About Me

North Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
All Pictures are copyright to Noni's Bakery or Noni's Kitchen. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Email: noni.kitchen@gmail.com


Chocolate Chip Cookies - Medium Size

New product in the Kitchen!
Well, not exactly a new product, it's the same product just different size :p
This cookies is about 3 - 4 times larger than this one.

The individually boxed one is great for a wedding souvenir, just wrapped it up with pretty paper or clothes, put some ribbons, and voila! you got yourself a wedding souvenir.

The one in the plastic bag, perfect size for school snack, or to give to your classmates in any occasion. each bag contains 5 chocolate chip cookies.

Save the cylinder one for yourself, it contains 12 chocolate chip cookies. Remember, midnight snacks of this cookies plus a warm glass of milk. *my mouth is drooling while writing this, and it's not even 2pm*

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