About Me

North Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
All Pictures are copyright to Noni's Bakery or Noni's Kitchen. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Email: noni.kitchen@gmail.com


Visit to Melbourne

uring the mid year break, I went to Sydney and Melbourne for holiday. During my stay in Melbourne, I had the chance to bake my cookies again.

I baked the cookies with some tweaking..

For the first batch, I tried using self raising flour instead of plain flour, and I didn't use any baking powder at all.

It does tastes good... but the texture is more like a sponge cake.

Second batch, I tried baking the cookies with half plain flour and half self raising, and no baking powder... It was hard as a rock....

So! the third batch, I am just going to follow my old trusty recipes accordingly and it turned out great. It was different than the ones that I made in Jakarta, but it tastes better than the first and second batch..

I asked my two little helpers during my stay in Melbourne to help me roll the cookies and flatten them. They are wonderful.


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