About Me

North Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
All Pictures are copyright to Noni's Bakery or Noni's Kitchen. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Email: noni.kitchen@gmail.com


Random post

Just some random picture post of japanese curry ala me.

Keonna's birthday cake

Custom lebaran cupcakes

Some very simple cupcakes for lebaran

Ernst and Young themed cupcake

A friend of mine decided to depart from Ernst and Young, and she wanted to give some farewell sweets for her colleague. From 5 uni-mates that worked in EY.. Only 3 has lasted for a year. Yesterday was my one year anniversary as an EY employee!

Mini one month cake

Mini one month cake for baby girl.

Lebaran classic package

Show case of Lebaran packages

Diamond house cookies

A friend of mine has been keeping me busy with her orders. She runs this.. Hmm.. Diamond showcase and instead of flowers decoration, she prefers cupcakes or cookies decoration. Since it can be eaten by the customers

Very very late dragon year package

Wow, things has been so chaotic lately and it slipped my mind for almost... 8 months..

Well this is the chinese new year package with auntie betsie's bag