About Me

North Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
All Pictures are copyright to Noni's Bakery or Noni's Kitchen. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Email: noni.kitchen@gmail.com


Coconut Chip Cookies, Lingua di Gatto (Lidah Kucing) and Coconut Chips

Chocolate chip Cookies

Lingua di Gatto (Lidah Kucing)

Coconut chip

I've been getting quite a lot of orders for my cookies lately. These 3 cookies are my bestsellers. Everytime I baked these cookies, I have to make extra, because my siblings and my parents always take some for themselves. They can't keep their hands off my cookies :)

Michelle's Lesmana 3rd Birthday - Second part

This cake were made for the same little girl with the strawberry shortcake. this princess themed cake are for her home celebration.

Chink's Birthday Cake, Brownies and Choux Pastry

This is a birthday cake I made for my dearest friend. The cake is not real, the inside are styrofoam. This is my friend's request, she wanted to put the cake in her room as a figurine..
So I made some cream puffs and brownies for her birthday treat.


Many faces of Piggy cupcakes

In the midst of the exam craziness, I squeezed in some time to make piggy cupcakes for my friend's birthday.

please excuse the photo, coz I didn't have time to take a proper picture at home.
I took this picture when i was in the restaurant..

HUGE Apologies!!

I am very very very sorry for the lack of blog this past few weeks. I had my exams, and the timetable was crazy!! 6 exams in 3 days! Plus I had to go to Bali for my best friend's wedding. It was a really hectic weeks for me.

I didn't do much baking or decorating in those days. I only did some cupcakes and cookies for my friends.

now i have some more free time. and will try to update my blog soon
